Privacy & Data Protection

Data Protection Management

DPA requires a mapping of the processes and data managed by the company. This mapping is the basis for legal compliance and is to be carried out by means of a management tool. The specialists at Lexify, together with ‘Privacy Swiss’, support you in this obligation.


The Data Protection Officer is the person who relates to the authorities and supports the entity in its data management. Do not leave your data in the hands of people who do not understand your business.

Swiss Representative

Foreign companies operating in Switzerland require a representative. Lexify acts as a representative for these entities and ensures compliance with Swiss law.


Are you transmitting data abroad? Do you have a data processor? Your contracts must be appropriate. Lexify supports you in complying with data protection regulations.

GDPR and European Regulation

Lexify will also support you with all obligations arising from the “EU Regulation 2016/679” GDPR. Lexify will also act as a representative in the European Union for Swiss and third-country companies in order to be compliant with European legislation.

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