Finance Evolution Forum

Alberto Borri
10 April 2024 7:00 am
Parco San Michele, Via S. Michele, 6977 Lugano, Switzerland
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About the Event

The “Finance Evolution Forum” event will be held on 10 April 2024 from 16:00 to 20:30 at the LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura in Lugano, Switzerland. The meeting will include discussions on various topics related to cryptocurrencies, including the FINMA communication on staking, taxation, compliance and tokenization of financial instruments. This will be followed by talks on Central Bank Digital Currency and stablecoin, concluding with a Q&A session and a networking dinner.

About your speaker

Alberto Borri

Attorney, Lugano, Switzerland

Alberto Borri supports clients mainly on Blockchain, Crypto assets, Anti-Money Laundering, Banking and Financial regulation. Alberto worked in the banking and financial regulation team at PwC and then at Kellerhals Carrard. He has gained particular experience in the regulation of fintech issues specifically in relation to projects concerning crypto assets, tokenization of financial instruments and blockchain. He supports clients in all matters of compliance and risk management, he is appointed as AML officier for several companies operating in the blockchain sector and beyond, and supports clients with regard to obligation of affiliation to self-regulatory bodies. He is also an expert in European and Italian regulation Alberto supports clients in all issues concerning the offer of crypto assets services in Europe.


The Program

7:00 am - Intro

  • La Comunicazione FINMA 08/2023 sullo staking – Avv. Lars Schlichting, Lexify, Lugano
  • Perchè la Svizzera è all’avanguardia negli ETP sulle criptovalute – Chiara El Rikabi, Senior Sales Associate, 21 Shares, Zurigo
  • Criptovalute e fiscalità (per persone fisiche residenti in Svizzera) – Pietro Soldati, Partner Fiduciaria Mega, Lugano
  • Compliance nel mondo delle criptovalute – Avv. Eleonora Barbaglia, Lexify, Lugano
  • La tokenizzazione di strumenti finanziari – Avv. Alberto Borri, Lexify, Lugano e Massimo Butti, Head of Equities and Private Markets at Six Digital Exchange

12:00 am - Central Bank Digital Currency e stablecoin

  • Paolo Bortolin – CFO Città di Lugano
  • Massimo Siano – Head of Southern Europe, 21Shares, Zurigo

  • Avv. Lars Schlichting – Lexify, Lugano.

Finance Evolution Forum

Expert Alberto Borri

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